XML Sitemap Generator Try out the tool for free from Divray for SEO Tool

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Acerca de XML Sitemap Generator Try out the tool for free from Divray for SEO Tool

What is a sitemap generator?
Sitemap files require great importance on your site, but what is their purpose? The goal of the sitemap is to create a quick indexing of the site so that you tell the search engines that the file is on this site more quickly and smoothly, so if you do not care about this, then you do not get the desired results, and it also improves Site speed. A sitemap is, in short, a set of pages within the site, but in the form of links that are placed inside an XML file. Through this file, you can tell search engines the content of the information within a site more quickly. One of the most common sitemaps is the HTML format and also XML, both of which serve the same purpose, but we prefer to use XML for its speed advantage and compatibility with GOOGLE CONSOLE. This page exists even if it is not indexed in the search results. Do not neglect this tool, as it is very important for your site and will help you compete in the search results strongly.

Create a sitemap manually:
This innovation was proposed in 2005 by the most powerful search engine in this field, which is Google, and later other search engines adopted this idea and worked with it to keep pace with the development they missed. The main motive behind this innovation is that some sites currently contain thousands of pages, so it is difficult for Search engines to crawl all those pages at the required speed. The speed is required in the sites to be less than 3 seconds. If the site is late in responding to this time, then the performance is bad, and the less the better for the site, as the ideal ratio of page response time is 0.4 four parts of The second only, and this depends on the hosting on which the site is placed, in addition to the lack of use of javascript and CSS files, as all of them are factors affecting the speed of the site and its response time. So, if your site is slow, it is necessary for you to improve its response speed and take care of sitemap files mainly because it will help you rank in search engines.